Ways You Can Help

Make a One-Time or Recurring Monthly Donation:


Or you can give by mail, just click here for the form. Thank you for your special gifts of financial support!

If you are a Federal Employee!
Please help the dogs through CFC. 

MAGSR's CFC number is 99138
MAGSR's Maryland Charities number is 52-2191320 
Please select MAGSR as your designated charity

Fostering is good for everyone!


Fostering is great for the Dogs.

We want every MAGSR dog to be fostered. The poor kennel pups only get out for a walk on weekends. Foster dogs live in a home with a family, sometimes foster siblings, get out every day and experience what at real home is like. 

Fostering is great for the Fosters.

Having a guest and learning all about him or her is really fun.  Helping get your foster habituated to a home, training, playing, chilling together and, finally, matching them up with the perfect forever family, is one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever know.

Fostering is great for Adopters.

Foster parents can tell adopters about their potential new family member's personality, their strengths and weaknesses.  Knowing what a dog is like make it so much easier to make sure each dog finds the right home.

Fostering is great for MAGSR

For every dog we bring into the rescue, even after the adoption fee, we spend nearly $1,000!

The average vet fees, including heartworm and flea/tick prevention, amount to approximately $250. If we have to kennel the dog for a month, that's another $750. Add in the dogs that come to us needing spay/neuter surgeries, or with health problems, or the dogs we don't place right away. Our average cost per dog last year was $1,300. Less the average adoption fee of $335 leaves MAGSR in the hole close to $1,000 for every dog. Fostering takes a huge bite out of that deficit.

How can you help? Two ways: 

  • First, open your heart and your home to a foster dog. We'll work closely with you to find the right dog for your specific situation (existing dog, cat, small children). Every dog in Foster saves the Rescue $750 each month.  Fill out a Foster Application here.
  • Second, if you can't foster a dog, please sponsor one. We have several plans to choose from.

Adoption. It's the single biggest way you can help a MAGSR dog


Adopting is a lifelong commitment that can change the life of a MAGSR dog. It will change your life too.

If you are ready to add a new family member and do all that it take to provide a safe, loving home to a dog in need, fill out an Adoption Application now.

The Pups need your help, any way you can give it.

MAGSR is an all-volunteer organization. Everything that happens for the dogs happens because someone gave their time and effort to their care.

There are so many ways you can help:

  • Walking dogs at the kennel
  • Administration
  • Transport
  • Social Media
  • Fund Raising
  • Events
  • Home Visits
  • Bookkeeping
  • Tech Help
  • Website
  • and lots of other ways…

If you have time or talent to lend the dogs, please fill out a Volunteer Application and join the MAGSR Team!

You can help the Pups with a Gift of Food, Toys, Beds, whatever!

Who knew they'd need food every day? 

Well, they do. And toys to play with, and comfortable beds to sleep on, and flea and tick medication, and heartworm preventatives and, most of all, love.

Show your love by gifting the pups needed items from their Wishlists.  Visit any of these sites to see what they need and send your love along:

In addition, here are just some of the other things you could do to help:

  • Tell your friends, family, and friends about MAGSR and our website MAGSR.org (how easy was that?)
  • Shop our wishlists at Amazon and Chewy.
  • Donate first class postage stamps.
  • Donate a used crate or portable kennel (any style).
  • Donate a bag of dry dog food.
  • Donate a package of Heartworm preventative
  • Donate Frontline Plus or Advantix II flea/tick applications.
  • Donate a Large sized dog bed that your dog doesn't use anymore - if he ever used it!
  • Donate leashes and collars - new or used.
  • Donate a box of dog treats.
  • Donate towels for bathing our kennel dogs.
  • Donate blankets for our foster dogs.
  • Donate advertising for the rescue, especially in local papers.
  • Sponsor us to help us with events, such as supplying the Port-a-Pot on Adoption Day.
  • Donate time to make a few reference phone calls.
  • Conduct a home visit for us.
  • Transport a dog.
  • Groom a dog.
  • Donate your time to organize an event.
  • Have a yard sale or bake sale and donate the proceeds to the rescue.
  • Talk to all of your friends about adopting or fostering one of our dogs.
  • Donate food and water bowls.
  • Pay for housecleaning services for a person who fosters all the time.
  • Lend your artistic talents to help design new logos for the rescue.
  • Solicit local businesses for their support and donations to the rescue.
  • Donate a gift certificate for use in fund raisers like raffles.
  • Write letters to solicit support for the rescue.
  • Hold a car wash and donate the proceeds to the rescue.
  • Donate for training services for rescue dogs.
  • Donate time to spend time with and train kennel dogs in your spare time.
  • Donate grooming supplies.
  • Donate a grooming session at a local groomer's.
  • Donate veterinarian services.
  • Donate a baby gate.
  • Sponsor a dog.
  • Walk dogs who are stuck in the kennel and at the vet's waiting for a foster.
  • Donate some dog toys - new or used.
  • Volunteer for anything that you can give.

Thank you all for all your wonderful support. Remember, everything you do gives one more chance to one more dog.